Banaan was/is the hoster of the E-Quality Servers, i order one all was ok. Then I was 2 months inactive but i ordered the server for 1 year, the website is offline now and he dont answer me in icq. Do you know anythink about banaan ? Where he is ? becouse I want my server back or i have to report him

Where is my E-Quality Server ?
15 replies

Banaan was/is the hoster of the E-Quality Servers, i order one all was ok. Then I was 2 months inactive but i ordered the server for 1 year, the website is offline now and he dont answer me in icq. Do you know anythink about banaan ? Where he is ? becouse I want my server back or i have to report him
That's why I ratter stay with free hosts.

edited 1×, last 22.04.12 03:01:02 pm

anyways E-Quality was really laggy for me
never found a good server even the ones without scripts were laggy,i think all netherlands servers are lag to me although the ping is 150-160 :o.

Ok but I orded the server for one year now he stoped his "business" but I give him 35€ I think he have to give it me back or ?
He doesn't have to give you your money back. It wasn't registered as a business and as far as I can remember there was no contract stating that eQ has a money-back guarantee.
Tough luck.