The servers for We Host U are located in one of the best datacenters in the U.S. (LimeStone Datacenter)
Before buying you can try one of our servers for 7 days and cancel if you do not like.
Rent your server and enjoy!
We Host U is a Brazilian team, but we accepts U.S. dollars, European Euro, and Brazilian Real.
We Host U is also a Hosting and servers CS2D.
● FTP Access.
● Support by ticket, livechat, and MSN.
● Control Panel (Turn On/Off/Restart, Online FTP and File Manager, Log View).
● Hosted in Dallas, Texas
● You can get a server for free! (Post2Host)
● We Accept PayPal
Need Help? Want a free server (Post2Host)? Contact us!
CS2D order (starting at ~4 dollars):¤cy=6
Post2Host plans:
CS2D - 1
Slots: 15
TAG: Yes
FTP Access: Sim
Control Panel: Yes
Posts: 15/month
CS2D - 2
Slots: 20
TAG: Yes
FTP Access: Yes
Control Panel: Yes
Posts: 25/month
Post2Host forum link:
MSN: - Email address (only visible with login) -
edited 1×, last 26.05.12 01:17:29 am
Admin/mod comment