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English When FileZilla installed, Red servers but joinable

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old When FileZilla installed, Red servers but joinable

User Off Offline

Hello there.
I recently installed FileZilla (don't ask why). and servers are red. I can only see them (as red) when the option "Yes & same version" is set to All. And i still can join them

If you said keep the program and join servers: The problem is: I can't see the server name or players count or even map!

When I uninstalled FileZilla everything went back to normal.

But I still want filezilla

Any help?

Thanks in advance.

old Re: When FileZilla installed, Red servers but joinable

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

I believe filezilla takes up some ftp selected ports inbound and outbound, a quick solution is to change the points filezilla uses (nah), or just change the client and server port cs2d uses.

Options -> Net -> Local UDP Port -> Random Number ( ex. 2303 )

Also New Game -> Port -> Random Number ( ex. 2302 )

Save the settings and restart cs2d.

old Re: When FileZilla installed, Red servers but joinable

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

Well he said that he uninstalled filezilla and it worked.

Filezilla will listen on the port for incoming connections.

CS2D probably changed it's client port to connect to the server, then when he disconnected it reverted back so he sees those red lines.

@user VADemon: Is it running? Also if you start cs2d first and then filezilla, cs2d won't be affected.

old Re: When FileZilla installed, Red servers but joinable

Admin On Online

This doesn't make any sense at all since FileZilla is an FTP client (correct me if I'm wrong). FTP uses TCP sockets and CS2D only uses UDP sockets. Two different things.

Also CS2D already selects random available UDP ports by default (as client).

I have no idea why this happens but - as already said - this story makes no sense.
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