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English Deagle power

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Poll Poll

Do you think the deagle is still overpowered?

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10.00% (2)
90.00% (18)
20 votes cast

old closed Poll Deagle power

User Off Offline

In an old version, DC has set the Deagle damage higher. His aim was, that players can buy a good gun while having less money. At the beginning, the dgl has been clearly overpowered. You've been able to kill someone with 2 or 3 shots, I don't remember exactly. Then many player complained and DC decreased the Deagle power. Now you need 4 shots to kill someone with a deagle. I personally think, this still overpowers the deagle. And everybody has situations, when he got less money, which means we can't buy that good guns. So why should the deagle be an exception to those less powered guns?

What would you say if we decrease the Deagle power once again?

Vote in the poll and give your opinion in the thread.

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

Well 4 or 2-3 shots make it realistic dont you think and i dont think its
overpowerd :L

old Re: Deagle power

Reviewer Off Offline

> cs2d cmd mp_wpndmg

Also I don't think that the Deagle is overpowered. I mean, 4 shots are enough. The Deagle shoots very slow, so it doesn't make sense anyway.
edited 1×, last 22.09.12 07:44:54 pm

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

No, the deagle isn't overpowered.
Someone has to create a poll about this poll.
"Is the Deagle power poll a shitty poll?
I would vote for yes.

old Re: Deagle power

Moderator Off Offline

Since before time, Deagle was one powerful mother hubbard. Look at CS 1.6, which CS2D was modelled after. It's a rape gun there as well. Thus, my opinion is no.

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

Well I just thought with a dgl you can hide behind a corner and shot once at an ak-shooter and hide behind the corner again. Do this 4 times and it's easier for you to kill him than for him to kill you. Even tough you payed less to get the deagle. Still it seems as if most players don't think its overpowered.

And Chingy the way you act here is quite contrary. You tell us that this poll is shitty but on the other hand, you give your opinion about the question in this poll.

Edit: Compared to the other guns it has at least +10 power more. And of course its slower while shooting, but the deagle is often used while camping / shooting offscreen so the damage is more important than the speed. I'd make it wether less powered or slower but most of the players seem to be against.
edited 1×, last 22.09.12 08:12:01 pm

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

user saint- has written
But the deagle is often used while shooting offscreen so the damage is more important than the speed.

If you are shooting offscreen, the speed is more important

It isn't overpowered much. I know, its very annoying to get killed by random shot by deagle, but still...

For example, many guys are using Elite or USP instead of Deagle to shoot randomly on screen. And, as you know, Deagle is very limited by it's ammo.
So I don't think, its overpowered. Dont also forget that fact, CS 1.6 got headshot system by default, 2D not. So, thats -1 for uberness of Deagle.

old Re: Deagle power

Admin On Online

Yes, all pistols are a bit stronger because of the missing headshot system. It's not overpowered.

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

user oxytamine has written
No, Elite.

Tottaly agreed.

EDIT:Anyway, how about increasing the power of p228 like for +2 damage? Since, it's one of the most shittiest guns in cs2d ever ( but in CS 1.6 it's moderate).
edited 1×, last 22.09.12 08:37:24 pm

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

@user saint-: He meant he would rate "yes" in the "Deagle power poll is shitty" poll.

It's not overpowered. CS2D is modeled after CS 1.6. It's a powerful gun in 1.6 as well.
edited 1×, last 22.09.12 09:27:56 pm

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

user palomino has written
@user saint-: H meant he would rate "yes" in the "Deagle power poll is shitty" poll.

It's not overpowered. CS2D is modeled after CS 1.6. It's a powerful gun in 1.6 as well.

I exactly understood what he said.

And no matter how expensive/strong/fast the other guns are. In public server you see wether standart pistols or deagle. You can hardly see any other pistol, and this is because of the price and damage of the deagle.

old Re: Deagle power

User Off Offline

No, this is because others are noobs who can't handle guns like Five-Seven and Elite.

old Re: Deagle power

Reviewer Off Offline

this is getting off topic...

nah just leave the Deagle as it is now.
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