I have a deathrun server and i'm trying make it more special.
First, all players will be CT. Terrorist team is not available.
Every roundstart, a random CT player will be Terrorist.
How can i select a random CT player to change his team to T?
addhook("roundstart","happynewyear") function happynewyear() 	for lol=1,32 do 		parse("makect "..lol) 	end 	parse("maket "..math.random(1,32)) end
addhook("startround_prespawn","start") function start() 	for i=1,#player(0,"table") do 		parse("makect "..i) 		max_players = #player(0,"table") 		random_player = math.random(1,max_players) 			if player(random_player,'exists') then 				parse("maket "..random_player) 			end 	end end
addhook("roundstart","happynewyear") function happynewyear() 	for lol=1,32 do 		parse("makect "..lol) 	end 	parse("maket "..math.random(1,32)) end
addhook("endround","_end") function _end(mode) local random = math.random(1,#player(0,'team2living')) local team1 = player(0,'team1') 	for _,id in pairs(team1) do 		parse('makect '..id) 	end 	parse('maket '..random) end
addhook("endround","rng") function rng() 	for _, id in ipairs(player(0,"team1")) do 		parse("makect "..id) 	end 	local team2 = player(0,"team2") 	local c = math.random(1,#team2) 	parse("maket "..team2[c]) end
addhook("endround","rng") function rng() 	for _, id in ipairs(player(0,"team1")) do 		parse("makect "..id) 	end 	local team2 = player(0,"team2") 	local c = math.random(1,#team2) 	parse("maket "..team2[c]) end