
prefered terro or ct
27 replies
what kind of tero(or ct) do you like?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Phoenix Connection | 25.00% (4) | |
L337 krew | 18.75% (3) | |
Arctic Avengers | 6.25% (1) | |
Guerilla warfare | 12.50% (2) | |
seal team 6 (DEVGRU) | 6.25% (1) | |
german gSg-9 | 18.75% (3) | |
UK SAS | 0.00% (0) | |
French GIGN | 12.50% (2) |
16 votes cast

but i care for what team

dr 1337 has written
im surprised noone voted for the guerrila guys usually everyone uses them at desert type maps
uuhh i dont mind about which 1 i never even look at the character panel!
i normally type:
but hiding in the tree sprites is nooby

wow I said nooby

Laser clan leader has written
uuhh i dont mind about which 1 i never even look at the character panel!
i normally type:
dr 1337 has written
im surprised noone voted for the guerrila guys usually everyone uses them at desert type maps
uuhh i dont mind about which 1 i never even look at the character panel!
i normally type:
for me t: 1-1
ct: 2-2
i dont care for what skin only what team

I use to use the Guerilla chap, because I like his model in the normal counter-strike. Especially with an AK-47 drawn.