
prefered terro or ct
27 replies
what kind of tero(or ct) do you like?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Phoenix Connection | 25.00% (4) | |
L337 krew | 18.75% (3) | |
Arctic Avengers | 6.25% (1) | |
Guerilla warfare | 12.50% (2) | |
seal team 6 (DEVGRU) | 6.25% (1) | |
german gSg-9 | 18.75% (3) | |
UK SAS | 0.00% (0) | |
French GIGN | 12.50% (2) |
16 votes cast

guests cant vote so i had to post it
my favorite IS guerilla!
by about 1%
stupid British with their accents and their gentlemen who wear grandma wigs and their Judi Dench and Elizabeth Hurley and their "this just grinds me gears it rightly does"
even if i am not a moderator
topic <CLOSED>

oh EC sorry you arent much on egl forum that why

edited 2×, last 28.12.06 04:59:29 pm
Admin/mod comment
Right, but you forgot me, you blasphemic heretic!I hereby excommunitycate you.

woot leet won... in a 3 way tie

Silent Control, your gonna anger the gods that way you might get smited where you stand lolz. Sorry its 10 in the morning, I woke up an hour ago, and I had Starbucks for breakfast...

woot leet won... in a 3 way tie
Silent Control, your gonna anger the gods that way you might get smited where you stand lolz. Sorry its 10 in the morning, I woke up an hour ago, and I had Starbucks for breakfast...
THIS is really off topic. PLs can anyone close this thread because i decided:
the winners are Phoenix, l337 krew, German
Thanks for voting, drive carefully home
<CLOSED> (p.s. i like British)