Cs2d development
Cs2d development
4 replies Hi.
I heard Unreal Software is working on new Cs2d.
Maybe it should be more like CS or CS:S ( not sure about CS:CZ never played it ). One thing is that glock has secondary function, shotgun fire should spread, adding the Gali and Famas would make a nice addition. Regardless of being scoped snipers should deal same damage but without crossairs. Tactical shield? Lol. 
Later. tactical shoield and my favourite- galil
Lol why do these posts continue when DC has already said he will do the update when he wants to. Read FAQ. Hopefully one day DC decides to make a suggestion thread. Why not?
Suggestion threads were always started by users
I think e.g. the sniper idea is really good. DC Admin
the most stuff which has been said is obvious (which does not have to mean that I'm going to realize it).
However I'm not ready to receive any suggestions at the moment.
for this reason: closed