VOTE DR 1337!!!!! well ok im not as good as King Killer yesterday he was insane on de_cs2d but he kept changing his name to awp_killer or he_killer he_king etc. Justin is pretty good too partly cause he makes really good maps I apparantly suck at mapmaking cause noone has actually reviewed my map in custom stuff except for Munx though...
lol you're very cannot choose "the cs2d-player 2006" due to some posts of some noobs.....
if there would be a ranking list(in cs2d) you can give the award to this one.....
btw this is only for the english don't know helpful guys from the german one......
VOTE DR 1337!!!!! well ok im not as good as King Killer yesterday he was insane on de_cs2d but he kept changing his name to awp_killer or he_killer he_king etc. Justin is pretty good too partly cause he makes really good maps I apparantly suck at mapmaking cause noone has actually reviewed my map in custom stuff except for Munx though...
wow so far my best was 27 and 8 I know thats not very good seeing that it was against a bunch of noobs and it was as_plane but o well at least I wasnt being an AWP whore rushed with the AK47 most rounds the other rounds I rushed with the mac10 lol. I got kicked eventually..
that round I was killed by an AWPing noob..