Marker icon
Marker icon
4 replies I was just wondering, I never really noticed it/ cared about it but what is the marker for? I was in the gfx folder and theres this thing thats called "marker" and it occasionally pops up beneath your guy when you play. Any answers? DC Admin
it MARKS your own player so that you can see which is yours and which is a teammate or an enemy.
this function can be disabled in the options menu. its not working 100%. sometimes the marker is just not visible even if it is activated in the options. It also goes on your teammates? I always see it only on me.. I agree with you though it doesn't always work. It kind of negates the nightvisions purpose though since it doesnt actually help with dark places it marks the players... DC Admin
no you misunderstood me. only the player is marked but this helps to tell him apart from the other guys in the game (it does not help to distinguish mates and enemies). therefore it does not negate the nightvision because it is a completely different thing since the night vision affects all players and not only the own one as the marker does. oh, ok thanks DC sorry for my question I just needed to know..