I've got an idea. Let's talk and discuss about UnrealSoftware moderators here. This would not be a place where we would express our hatred or irony about them, but just a place to discuss their actions and other things associated with them.

I've got an idea. Let's talk and discuss about UnrealSoftware moderators here. This would not be a place where we would express our hatred or irony about them, but just a place to discuss their actions and other things associated with them.

Anyway, i found this thread a bit uneccesary, but whatever.

I think that the moderators here are doing a great job. Please keep in mind that they are doing this totally voluntarily without any payment. They are a huge support and help keeping this forum tidy. Sometimes it may happen that certain things are not spotted/handled by any moderator or that a moderator makes a mistake but you can bet that this place would be sooo much worse without the moderators.
I'm very glad that there are still reliable and honest people on the internet and I'm very thankful for their help.

Well, I guess you keep so many for the time this site will grow, aside with Stranded III perhaps.
but somes are doing a great job as an awesome moderator


Also the players/members, don't ignore Moderators if they make just a simply needless mistake.
That is all i can say it here, thanks.
I really feel secure with the usgn staff...
Actually i dont "hate" no-one, but i have some "problems" with the opinions of some of them.
I eventually disagree with some things, but generally i agree with them.
I think actually the most "active" is

Message for some users: Stop fucking with

I prefer don't make show so you may not notice my work when i'm active.
You're right. I really DON'T notice what you do. I sometimes see you ban people in file archive for breaking rules. Care to enlighten us what you're doing here and there (as in what you're working on, a mod, something in real life or something else perhaps? If it's not a bother for you).
I'm not sure if

I haven't really noticed anything wrong with moderators. Well, one but he already answered me (or rather didn't) so I guess I'll leave it at that.
I'd say the moderators are doing a fine job (and I am not talking about myself) and I am really happy that lately they have less to do. The forum is becoming a better place :3
You may see me to be more active than others because I don't have much to do lately. Well, I'm working on something with

Care to enlighten us what you're doing here and there (as in what you're working on, a mod, something in real life or something else perhaps? If it's not a bother for you)
I'm student. Proto-Slavic is one of my hobbies (i create articles in English Wiktionary), and i'm still working on HL2D.
Also i am terribly sorry if this question has already been answered - But does the Moderator selection go from a group in general via suggestions - or up from the top of high command in general with DC's decision?