Hi there, I Wanted to Present you Phoenix Client.
What is Phoenix Client?
Phoenix Client is a content delivery system, which can handle every type of files. It will deliver mostly, but not only,
games, as it will also deliver applications and more. Everything will be FREE and EASY TO START PLAYING.
We want to talk with you about it, perhaps a possibility of delivering your game.
server is on a dedicated hosting, but the current site is on a freehost, because we are currently in the process of
100% Legal Content

but we are still working on the GUI, we wanted to make the program functional first, and then move on to the graphics.
Now, about P2P, it is a future improvement, and what does this mean, at the moment we have http download ready, it downloads
files not packed, so we can have an auto-update system that you wont have to download the whole game to update the game.
The future improvements are:
P2P, Friends Network, .7zip auto-decompression for the files the releaser wants to pack.
We use our own filesystem, .DNF, it contains all the info on where to do the download, information about the website, the
creator, the version (which is this that will trigger auto-updating), the parameters you want the application to run with,
the icon that will appear on the client, etc...
all data is stored on a secure server with multipule mirrors on load-balancing, with our own transfer protocol.
Content Providers.... You will have acsess to a special admin panel to track usage of your application, download and usage
rates (statistics), ability to sell game addons (this is in development) in a secure way, have a mini-section in the apps
storefront (link to forumss, etc?) and also abbility to have your app comeup in our server browser, and allow players to talk
via an ingame freinds network.
Once the application is ready, you will get beta logins (to the client), to see upcoming titles and features
This is a one-of-a kind opurtunity for you as a content provider, we are currentlly talking to big names in free, legal,
opensource content providers.
http://projecftashes.com/ (currently inactive)
IM: - Email address (only visible with login) -
MAIL: - Email address (only visible with login) -
With The Best Wishes,
Hck~D3v, Project Development Team