
Which type of CS2D do you use?
12 replies

Which version of CS2D do you use?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Fullscreen | 42.11% (8) | |
Windowed | 57.89% (11) |
19 votes cast
Cheech has written
haha I use fullscreen
Until NOW you are the only one who voted fullscreen!

and,of course,i use cs2d_0103!

EDIT: Oh sorry. I dont actually know much about leet speak actually I dont type like that. I dont say "lol" or "noob" in day to day conversation. took me 10 min. to type that.. but Ill keep that in mind.
edited 1×, last 26.01.07 10:20:57 pm
Admin/mod comment
no leet-speak please

Mr T. pities the fool who uses fullscreen...
yautja117 has written ther is new ingame xfire... I like to use the windowed so i can use xfire with it.
Ameer925 has written
Yeah I like windowed because I can do homework at the same time yautja117 has written ther is new ingame xfire...I like to use the windowed so i can use xfire with it.

fullscreen =

voted for fullscreen !!

Ameer925 has written
yautja117 has written ther is new ingame xfire...I like to use the windowed so i can use xfire with it.
its only one-click join... not in-game talking