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English An old feature I'd like to see again

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Poll Poll

Should the Lab return?

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18 votes cast

old Poll An old feature I'd like to see again

User Off Offline

I was browsing the forums during my hiatus and I saw someone wanting an old feature brought back - comics! I've been a user for quite some time now, and I remember a feature that I want back - the Lab! This would hopefully stop any "Stranded 3 release date plz" threads by people who don't know how to look around the forums. A great addition to the Lab would be a suggestion box - let the community decide a new game genre.

Sorry, my mind races when I get this nostalgic.

Edit: Oh, shoot. I totally didn't see the other topic about ideas for the site. I haven't logged on to this site for 2 years. I promise I won't make the same mistake again.

old Re: An old feature I'd like to see again

User Off Offline

The lab was a nice thing when it existed, however there are a few issues with it. The biggest being that DC develops his games alone - he probably doesn't have the time to implement some strange feature someone requests in the lab. Also, a lot of people on this forum have no clue about game development and would suggest super strange / dumb stuff. For example, there have been people who basically wanted DC to make CS2D in 3D. Because 1 additional dimension would be better.

old Re: An old feature I'd like to see again

Reviewer Off Offline

Pretty sure EngiN33R was working on a Unreal Software Lab which would be used as a global idea website for everything.

No idea what the actual progress of that is now, maybe he will notice this thread and post himself.

old What is it?

User Off Offline

I don't recall such a feature. When it appeared?

But, as I understand it's good! We need this feature.

old Re: An old feature I'd like to see again

User Off Offline

I remember we had Lab page several years ago, quite nice we can request feature there especially for CS2D!

@user ohaz: yep lol. Lab probably best idea to give DC suggestions, but for sure it will be flooded by dumb ideas which is shouldn't exists.

old Re: An old feature I'd like to see again

Moderator Off Offline

user SlyCooperReloadCoded has written
A great addition to the Lab would be a suggestion box - let the community decide a new game genre.

Couldn't agree more. If there has to be such an addition alongside with the Lab entry people would suggest game genres endlessly. Since user DC solely works on Stranded III and he'll maintain this development and the project for several years he won't prepare another game development regardless of community decision.

At that time when Lab existed I wasn't here so I cannot completely judge how the things were like in Lab. But definitely bringing such feature back would be great as long if DC wants so. Otherwise, user EngiN33R is working on it as Yates explained.

old Re: An old feature I'd like to see again

User Off Offline

That's how it is with everything now - shut down things that are cool and fun and replace them with things that are bland and more efficient. Lots of my favorite businesses have closed down due to this.

I still want Mouse Trail 2...

old Re: An old feature I'd like to see again

User Off Offline

I don't know how this "Lab" worked but maybe this could be implemented just like File Archive? Where people can submit their ideas/suggestions then be commented/liked by other people? And if the idea/suggestion is suggested earlier or too dumb, the Reviewers (or others) can close it? Or did the Lab work like this?

old Re: An old feature I'd like to see again

User Off Offline

It would be nice to have several old features back. Except for the lab, which has already been specified in this thread, we could have the Extra section with DC's old games: DBZ, Kill Bill, Silverster Sim. Maybe even the U:SEK intros and the applications.

Also, there was an Avatar Gallery with the users' avatars. And finally, there were some login stats per user: how many times the user has logged in the morning, afternoon and night (with some sun & moon icons). I think that DC had said that it didn't make much sense because of the different timezones, but it was pretty accurate for me :D.

Actually... last, but not least, a minor thing: Billy, the smileyface. On the page there was an animation which explained how you find the cs2d serverlist and how you connect to them.
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