The creator of the CS2D game is Peter Schauß, also known by his internet nickname DC (DarkCorner). He is a German game developer and founder of the independent game studio Unreal Software. Schauß began developing CS2D in 2002, inspired by the popular first-person shooter game Counter-Strike. He wanted to create a 2D version of Counter-Strike that could be played on older computers. CS2D was released in 2004 and quickly gained popularity, becoming one of the most popular freeware games in the world. Schauß continues to develop CS2D today, adding new features and content on a regular basis. He is also a very active member of the CS2D community, interacting with players on the game's forums and social media pages. CS2D is a testament to Schauß's dedication and passion for game development. He is a true indie game developer who has created a game that is loved by millions of people around the world.

DC should see this xd
7 replies

Always gotta educate yourself a little more everyday.

blurr: Thank you for answering us the question we all knew the answer to already.
Always gotta educate yourself a little more everyday.

Always gotta educate yourself a little more everyday.
bro we all know that DC who made cs2d i meant that the shortcut of "DC" (DarkCorner) i didnt know that before also idk how the ai knew informations about DC like that
i hope that you understood me

Dc one man army

Still wholesome to read that text. Thanks for sharing