Is there a place to go for this? Or do I just have to randomly come across a guild member and ask to join?

Is there a place to go for this? Or do I just have to randomly come across a guild member and ask to join?
Ehh, maybe it is.

Ask somebody else -.-<
Age? Wtf?
GuestI'm 17 >_> I'm a senior so I should be 18 by now but I have a late birthday

If you find it rude, it was only a question.

CenturyBlade(logout) has written
My age? What is this like a smoking law or something to be in a guild/clan? lol
I'm 17 >_> I'm a senior so I should be 18 by now but I have a late birthday
I'm 17 >_> I'm a senior so I should be 18 by now but I have a late birthday

i kno what u mean nigga, i have a birthday thats late to,
im 13 and theres 1 more month for 8th grade

btw. I'm also birthday is in december -.-
Re: Clan/Guild
-KiNg Clan, the one I'm in, and Division leader of CS2D in the clan. (Great Clan! But hard to get into

-TGV (don't know much about this clan, just know some of the members)
-LCS2D (inactive, coming back in summer)
-KtA (I think it's confirmed that there are hackers in this clan)
I think those are it, or at least the mentionable ones.
Good luck in getting into a clan.
Re: Clan/Guild
GuestEither way we both decided that we'll either make our own clan or just not join one altogether... but I'll keep these choices in mind

I just figured it was weird for you to ask my age... didn't get offended or nothing

PS How do I get into TGV or LCS2D... because I probably can't get into King and I refuse to be in a haxor clan so yea...
Guest has written
LCS2D is in that one, I don't know about TGV, they don't advertise their clan much.
[LCS2D] clan website
-[LCS2D] |CoolRun|

go for LCS2D
oh, and for not advertising our clan, im just basically embarrased by the site design, so shhhhh, dont tell them our site lol
Yup, I'm his friend. I'm trying out for king again, so I would suggest you do the same so we can be in the same one. It's totally up to you, but I'm going for |K|!

king's hard to get into, and once ur in, and u quit, u cant get back in again unless phatz or ro4r aproves, from wut i heard anyways (lol AJ)
good luk luzora, ull need it ;P