55 replies I don't remember Armeniashots being the co-leader of KiNg. I don't remember Aj being recruited into KiNg. I don't know who recruited him and it was kept anonymous for a while until he went back to [TGV].
Sincerely ~Hitman.
www.kingguild.us.tt Armeniashots was NEVER an Officer/Co-leader of |KiNg| clan. For the short time he was with us, he was a low-ranking enlistee.
Aj (Sol) was with |KiNg| for a short time, but I do not remember who recruited him, as Andy (Hitman) said. This is what I have came up with.
I was talking to him on msn, and he said he was Officer/Co-leader of |KiNg| clan. Although I didn't belive him since what he has sent to me in the past.
He sent me a 'link-trojan' which spread to all my msn contacts and did damage. And it wasn't really funny, and I don't want that it to happen again.
I would say he's personalty from my point of view is random.
I still have him on msn manager, and he's kinda trying to be funny. He's saying that he's something that he's not. So I think that's the reason why he keeps acting like this.
PS. I think I'm a good psychologist.
I remember you telling me about this Kimkat, but I never open any suspicious file that has weird words or webpages that comes from mostly .net sites.
On Topic: Clans/Guilds aren't really that important unless you want to participate in clanwars and such... which is a bit of fun
Well, I was just being informative.
And at the same time, off topic.
So carry on...
Lee Moderator
^ random recruit comment jutsu?
Blade thats considered spam
and so is my post
Yeah u guys didnt care about me back then still to this day u dont
Phatz let me in That should clarify it for u
Yeah im better from back then to
boom *head shot*
YAY APW PWNS LOL Low Ranking but 100x better than u !
And u know that !!!!!! haha omg king are whiny little kids? right mate
tgv are whiny little kids not us kings as a matter of fact all tgv players are young and stupid i think AJ can clarify that =]
yeah i recruited aj long time ago (history now) Phatz that was like 100 years ago to me im the only kid in TGV
Hello! I am new here and just wanna know what is all the clan things about?
its a guild/clan thing if ur in a good guild or clan u have to be good or if u suck no one wants u
I will rofl now.
I found some of this topic amusing, since everybody is continuesly making flames or something.
What's flaming now again, I heard it was something about aggressive messaging, correct me if I'm wrong.
I know nothing about flaming, just heard it on a forum.
Actually the TGV forum itself. The TGV forum is nice, in a way.
My forum is still dry.
See my signature for my forum link...