What's your favorite cs2d mapper, lol it can be anyone.
Well personally, I think |jUSTiN| is really good at mapping, so he got my vote.
Hmm I like these maps from |jUSTiN| it's called "aim_breakthru mappack", here's the link!
Post the map/mappack of your favorite mapper of cs2d, and don't forget to add the name.
You like spamming, double posting and double threading(make two threads about the same topic), don't you?
I don't play much CS2D....so I don't play 3rd-Party-Maps....I just know Justins nice looking ones...and my own
It was a mistake double post, and you shouldn't be so rude.
You think you own the place, kinda.
Well I have almost played every map in cs2d, well almost.
And have you got maps? I didn't know.
Show me some.
well I voted for Justin, because he is genial with his "JW" maps...
Well that's his signature, and it stands for "Justin Ware."
My signature in my maps are "KK" for "KimKat."
It's a smart way to avoid, deleting maps you should try it too.
By adding your own signature, usually a short one.
why are you posting such stupid things kimkat?
PS:i think the goodlest mapper is....me ^.^ I just made 3 maps....or better, just extended or better versions of existing maps...
not really good, but more like the real ones
skiper has written
why are you posting such stupid things kimkat?
PS:i think the goodlest mapper is....me ^.^
You might not had understood what I've wrote and that's probably it. But I don't post stupid things, lol.
I hope you get better in your english skiper, and I hope your mapping improves aswell.
10x.... as long as i know the map entities lke my 5 fingers i wud be like ustin ^-^ KimKat has written
skiper has written
why are you posting such stupid things kimkat?
PS:i think the goodlest mapper is....me ^.^
You might not had understood what I've wrote and that's probably it. But I don't post stupid things, lol.
I hope you get better in your english skiper, and I hope your mapping improves aswell.

erm....you're not in a position to talk about other's english skills...
Just an example:
You might not had understood what I've wrote and that's probably it.
It should be:
...what I've written and....
but let us talk about the topic -.-
I haven't heard of GGC Anaraki for a long time now, he kinda quit cs2d.
He made a map called de_bomberman which probably only I have at the moment, but it used to be downloadable so I might upload it in memory of GGC, he was a good mapper. 
This is the only map I could find at the moment that was made by him, http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/18651.
He's smackdown map. edited 1×, last 25.05.07 05:54:45 pm
Never heard about him
i am a good mapper
not as good as me
PS:silent i removed it.Have fun!
I heard of this new guy called Cheech. He made a awesome map called de_Cheech and I must admit that map was awesome. It would be nice if he could get bots working but this guy has talent im telling you
edited 1×, last 26.05.07 04:35:29 pm
thats an old map cheech, adn i would like to meet this person "cheech"
j/k Admin/mod comment
is there any reason why you add about 50 empty lines to your post? removed for a better readability. Silent_Control has written
i am a good mapper

What maps you got? go to custums stuff..he have some ro_ maps
Justin of course! he did after all post my crap on fpsbanana btw. But how come i dont see my name up there you gotta admit dm_christmasparty was a classic!
silent control voted for hisself
im not even added to the pol to vote for my self -.-