
How much do you play
22 replies
between How many hours a week do you play cs2d
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4-8 | 25.00% (6) | |
8-16 | 25.00% (6) | |
16-28 | 0.00% (0) | |
28-34 | 20.83% (5) | |
<4 | 29.17% (7) |
24 votes cast

I don't play CS2D more than 10minutes per week ;P
Not to much time

edit: sry for my DP.
It was an exident!

edited 1×, last 12.06.07 09:40:14 pm

AK25 has written
?!??? how did you discover that? dont mind saddis double post, it sometimes does it on psp

yeah I know, 5 FPS in cs2d really sucks but I was used to it. Now i play bf2 at like 40 and im like OMGWTFBBQ THATS AMAZING