
Do you like the new Dedicated Servers ?
33 replies
PS:all servers are lagging

PSS:are you camper from lcs2d clan?
all storm servers run on a server with 10mb/s upload.
so i don't think the servers are laggy. rather the clients are laggy because poeple don't uprate.
and we are no longer |Storm_PL|, just storm

@camper, the server autokicks only if your ping goes over 200. In zoom your fps goes immediately down so your ping raises.
stormpl servers = always empty

I saw the servers now, and all 7 servers have 0/10 players, wath is the fun having servers but no one can play there?
There is an autokicker in the server. if your ping goes over 200 you will get kicked automatically.
But there isn't an anti cheat detection so if cheaters have a good ping they won't get kicked.
@marcio, there often players in our server

@coolrun, i'm sorry but laggers just suck

fragezeichen has written
@marcio, there often players in our server 

Are you sure? Look, all servers empty again...
Ever when I look the server list, they are empty... Or just 3 or 4 playing in 1 server...

@Marcio: Maybe because you took the screenshot at a time where none of the Europeans are awake.. T.T...

Marcio has written
Are you sure? Look, all servers empty again...
Ever when I look the server list, they are empty... Or just 3 or 4 playing in 1 server...
fragezeichen has written
@marcio, there often players in our server 

Are you sure? Look, all servers empty again...
Ever when I look the server list, they are empty... Or just 3 or 4 playing in 1 server...

Guess what... ppl in Europe are sleeping when u are playing..

And what comes to dedicated servers: I love them! ping ~60<3
That mean the european community is very poor on 2D... thats bad...

Because we have brazilians playing 24h per day!

But I have a question, the new CS2D will have your own real dedicated server dont it? I hope so!

i heard there is planned a dedicated server for cs2dmax. (btw wrong thread)
and marcio i gave you the cs2d dedicated server.
but i won't be abel to help you unless your host can't find out their python version. (even after i had given you a script to find it out^^)

so all europeans are sleeping?
Yes,they're for example if it is 22:00 PM there it will be morning in Europe.