Can't Load CS2D
Can't Load CS2D
6 replies Everytime I click my CS2D icon it starts but then stops and I get this error:
"Failed to load image!
File: gfx/splash.bmp
Reinstall CS2D if the required file doesn't exist!"
Yes, I've reinstalled MANY times and yes, I've read the FAQ. Someone, PLEASE HELP! You tried reDOWNLAODing before reinstalling?
but the file splash is the main file from the menu and it shoud be there if you really redownloaded.... omg im haveing the same problen im tired of it
It's obvious, since you haven't extracted it yet.
That message always show up, when you try to launch the game from inside a zip/rar archive. Lee Moderator
well, make sure that all the required files are there, if its not, then redownload cs2d from another host and then extract it as there are times when your connection can just timeout for some reason during the middle of file download