Well its come to my attention that, alot of well known cs2d players/members have been inactive over the past 5 months+...Why?
Well Becuase cs2d is no stragety, all you do it aim shoot.
The shooting is crapy.And Anyone could own.Its just the aimer and the gun. you dont need a map to just need to know the perfect gun and the perfect spot.
for sniping plain out discusting.
I suggest all of the newbs that are playing.
is to aim to the right or left of the enemys shoulder, youll have better accurcy with a Ak-47 or a m4a1 or a Mac 10.
Im waitinbg to see How much cs2d will be better.
with MAX. Ima test it out.too see what the glitches are,to see what aiming skills too use.Ive been playing cs2d for a while now.
And Im getting bored already, i own to much newbs.
I dont make servers no more since im too good for that.
Players told me you are only good cuz im the server so i say lets go and thats why i dont make servers.I probably played with you all..and ownd ya.You just dont know its me :P...Have Fun with Cs2d. and i really hope that thiers some skill in it.
By The Way DC, Thiers a hack "aimbot", And i downloaded it to see if it works. and you should really take seroius in this, cuz it works, and if someone says thiers a aimboter then you should find out him and ban him i dont know how..i really dont but just try...And i suggest you GOOGLE it. so youll see im right, Its an amazing creation, but newbie for the good players.
alot of the players that are new to cs2d already found the aimbot. and is owning.I suggest youy really have some thought into it, or youll know that it will become worldwide on cs2d then itll just get boring.
~KiNg 4 Lyfe Padro. Admin/mod comment
< closed > /JW Lee Moderator
I rly can't see the point of this post but still...
1: CS2D has strategy, guess wut, ppl without a strategy will get owned, if you don't know how to track your opponents, predict where they're gonna be, or just knw the most used routes in a map, then you'll get owned, and hey, guess wut, those are all strategies
2: There's nothing wrong with the "perfect spot", you knw wut, using the "perfect spot" is actually a strategy so you are contradicting yourself right here
3: Aim and shoot, guess wut, ALL FPS AND SHOOTING GAMES ARE LIKE THIS, don't like em? Don't blame it on the game, blame it on the genre
4: yeah, we all knw sniping sux in this game, but most of the "well known" cs2d players who quit were very accustomed to snipping if I recall correctly so this point does not stand either
5: umm, I'm not getting how this aimming left or right is relevant to CS2D is boring...
6: Aren't we all waiting to see how much cs2d could be better? so Your basically saying that you're anticipating max but you think the game is boring, and I find this statement self contradictory
7: Hey guess wut, lots of ppl can claim that, there's a simple solution for this: DONT PLAY WITH NOOBS -.-
8: You're too good to make servers? kinda narcisistic in nature
9: guess wut, there are skills involved, you your self alluded to noobs, HOW can there be noobs if there's no skill in the game?
10: Hackin, guess wut? it's inevitable, if you're so fed up of haking and think so highly of yourself, why don't you go out there and find a way to prevent hacks, it's better then making topics about why cs2d is lame when you can't provide adequate support for this statement
11: Ever heard of the word "False accusations?", guess wut, there can be no absolute proof that anyone hacks just by the word of someone, so you can not actually go on someone's words
12: I think many people have already suggested this? If you go around this forum, all of the points that you made are basically already there, guess wut, DC's not a dumbass, he can read too, he doesn't need you to point out all the specific flaws of the game when it's already been pointed out so many times... Well said, Lee.
Padro, post your spam somewhere else. Or, hey, try this novel idea: Don't post spam, period.
Now, this thread is < closed > .